Rhett DeVane Heartfelt Fiction with a Southern Twist
Come. Sit a spell. You're welcome here.
Come. Sit a spell. You're welcome here.
Through Rhett DeVane's Southern fiction, you'll see into worlds filled with characters so realistic,
you'll wish they lived next door.
Cry. Laugh. Storm at injustice.
Or simply start to understand.
Your choice.
Come onto the porch, grab a rocker, sip some iced tea.
You're amongst friends.
Rhett DeVane has been weaving tales
since she was old enough to form words.
She graduated from pencil and paper,
to word processors,
then to computers.
Through life's tide of change, Rhett's passion for creating believable characters and storylines remains constant.
Rhett DeVane comes from a long line of humorists and storytellers. Parents, siblings, cousins: none could ever resist a good joke. Laughter, love, and support flowed easily in the DeVane clan, a perfect garden for a budding Southern writer.
A good disposition proved beneficial for anyone marrying
into the family, too.
Rhett is originally from Chattahoochee, a small town in the Florida panhandle. After college, she moved to Tallahassee, the warm and friendly city she now calls home. She continues work on her adult Southern fiction novels, as well as a Middle Grade and Young Adult fantasy series.
Before Rhett's beloved mother Theresa DeVane passed away at age ninety-one, she gave her daughter this advice:
"Don't ever give up on your writing. It will take you places you never dreamed possible."
Rhett made a living as a dental hygienist for forty years. Her patients after all this time are friends, family. They were truly as excited about her first published Southern fiction novel as the author. Rhett says, "they were just plain-out relieved." After all, when you are a captive audience and the speaker has little sharp tools in your mouth, you listen to every word she says. They flocked to Rhett's first signing and continue to support her writing.
Now, Rhett is retired and happily writing every day.